Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Making Me Smile Today...

*My kids outside practicing their dribbling skills together.

*Macy repeatedly saying her stomach still felt "oozy" after getting sick.

*Sahara BBQ pizza on it's way to my doorstep

*Payson demonstrating the Flippity Flip--the ONLY way to serve a tether ball.

*Hearing Payson say "Flippity Flip."

*Falling in love with my husband all over again when he asked Macy on a date this weekend.

*Going on a long walk this morning and talking with a close friend.

*New followers on my blog (welcome!!) that I have never met.

*American Idol tonight


Shayla said...

I've been watching your followers list go up and up and up...and so many people I don't recognize. What the heck?! It must be the amazing new blog look you've acquired, right? :) Glad to hear Macy is feeling better. I hear Payson has quite the tether ball skilz...learning all the right stuff in Kindergarten, no less.

dandee said...

oh, that Payson. I'm going to bribe him to say "flippity flip" to me the next time I see him.

Rachael said...

Maybe I will have to have Colton go in another room so Payson can tell me about tether ball, I can't do it when they are together or they will argue about something one of them said and ruin it! They kill me! The other day they were outside for 3:30 til 5:00! I know right?!

I am was so excited for AI, but a little disappointed again. I am enjoying Ellen though.

Good list my friend...

Thanks again for babysitting. Hopefully Aubrey will stop stuttering and walking in circles...after her head recovers!!! Just kidding! Seriously, thank you

Amy J. said...

Loved this always do great lists that make me smile and then chuckle! So exactly how do you do a "flippity flip?" I thought I knew all those moves.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

I say you two walking yesterday and almost honked but we were on the other side of the road.Great list. I too am curiouse about the flippity flip what is it?

Marilyn said...

I love happy lists. They instantly make ME happy! So thanks!

wendy mathers said...

Im a new follower and am loving your blog...thanks for the welcome

the "L" spot said...

oh how sweet! its such a good day to be new to your blog with a welcome and everything!!