The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite movies of all time. I love it because it has everything I love in a movie: romance, drama, action, and a rags to riches revenge story.
Based on the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas, it stars Jim Caviezel as Edmond Dantes, a poor frenchman who works with his best friend (Fernand Mondego, played by Guy Pearce) on a trader ship. After an emergency landing on the island where Napoleon Bonaparte is held prisoner, Edmond returns home to Marseilles only to be arrested and thrown in prison for treason after being falsely accused of aiding Napoleon's escape.
In prison Edmond yearns for his beloved fiance, Mercedes, and after years of abuse and isolation begins to denounce his faith, only to have a suprise encounter with an imprisoned priest (you may know him as the original Dumbledore) who soon befriends Edmond and teaches him everything he knows, which is much. Before dying, the priest helps Edmond realize who all was involved in putting Edmond behind bars, and shares his secret...the location of the vast treasure of Monte Cristo.
After an ingenious escape, Edmond finds the treasure and, with his newfound wealth and knowledge, creates for himself the identity of the Count of Monte Cristo, using his money and prestige to get revenge on all who had betrayed him. In the end, he realizes that all he really wants is those whom he loves.
The movie is action packed, never boring. It is one exciting turn after another, always keeping you guessing what will happen next. The love story is achingly good, and every actor plays his (her) character perfectly. I seriously recommend it to anyone who hasn't watched it, especially because your husbands will like it too. It's so good!
This is another movie I haven't seen fun for me! You have given me two good movies to look forward to watching so far. I actually have had this movie (borrowed from my parents) for over a year and had completely forgotten about it until your review. Looks like I have some movie watching to do... :-)
This is one of my all-time favorite movies, too. I'm a huge Jim Caveizal fan. Aren't his eye amazing in this film? Thanks for the review and reminder to watch it again!
Sorry, I misspelled Caviezel.
I loved this movie! Your review makes me want to go rent it again!
This is one of Ryan's favorites. He's a sucker for a rags to riches story too. I love the love story so it's one we have both enjoyed many times!
I'm so glad everyone who's seen it loved it as much as me! Stephanie, I forgot to say I'm a huge Jim Caviezel fan, too. He's gorgeous and has THE most beautiful eyes. He's also very moral...he won't do sex scenes (nudity) due to his strong Catholic faith.
Can't wait to borrow it from you sometime. I've never seen it. I've heard of it and I know it's one of my mom's all time favorites, too.
Did you know that Stephanie Swanberg use to date Jim Caviezal in high school? True story.
I did know that. I asked Stephanie about it one time and she was very embarrassed! Fun story.
This is such a great movie. Monica had to twist my arm to get me to watch it with her, and I'm so glad she did. It's fantastic.
WHAT??!! That's insane!! If I were Stephanie, I wouldn't get embarrassed when people asked me, I'd be shouting it from the rooftops!!
Okay, seriously, anonymous, out with it. If you're wondering why I allow anonymous comments when it drives me this crazy, it's because I'm technologically challenged and I've tried to NOT allow it twice now and it won't work.
We're all nice and friendly here. We won't bite. Owning up to your thoughts and feelings is very liberating, you should try it.
Tiffani, why did she have to twist your arm?
Spencer will be the first to tell you that I'm notorious for doing this. I get an idea in my head that I won't like something, for no reason at all, and I convince myself that it's true. It literally takes someone forcing me to try it, and wouldn't you know? She likes it, she really likes it! I do it with food, movies, you name it. I'm retarded when it comes to this. I guess I'm just so afraid of trying something new and not liking it. I've gotten better with time. But it truly drives Spencer nuts! I don't know why I thought that I wouldn't like this movie, but once I saw it, I was hooked. So thanks Monica!!
I've seen this movie, but the only part I remember is the being in jail... I'll have to do a rerun of it.
Alicia, I love this movie too. Brandon and I saw it in the theater and you're right, husbands will love it too. This is a great movie and you did a great review.
way to go on the slide show of the movie pics. pretty impressive. i have never seen this movie nor read this book (gasp!). i'll for sure get it from my neighbor who i know must have it. i call her blockbuster.
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