I watched this movie for the first time last night, and loved it. I love movies in this time period, especially because they tend to be filmed in this kind of golden, fuzzy way, as if illuminated by candlelight. (Think Phantom of the Opera)
Starring Edward Norton, Jessica Biel, and Paul Giamatti, The Illusionist is about a young boy infatuated with magic who falls in love with a young girl that ranks high above him socially. They are forbidden to see each other, and after meeting secretly for a while are caught and torn apart, never to see each other again.
The boy grows up to be a famous magician who encounters his childhood sweetheart at one of his shows, only to learn she is to be married to the crown prince, a horrible man. They meet secretly once again, starting a string events that leads to the awesome, mind-bending ending.
What do I love about this movie?
Besides the aforementioned filming technique and time period, I loved the the actors. Edward Norton is awesome in everything he does, and Paul Giamatti is also an amazing actor who is finally getting the parts and the recognition he deserves. Jessica Biel has mostly been known for her looks and not her acting, but I thought she was pretty decent here. Maybe it was the accent that seperated her from her 7th Heaven persona, but she appeared to be more, well, grown-up.
I also loved the music. It was so beautiful, and perfect for a movie about the mysteries of magic.
My viewing partner (Bill) thought it was a little slow, but perked up towards the end and was blown away once the credits rolled. So I seriously recommend going and renting this, it's one your hubby may enjoy also!
Jeff and I loved this movie, too, so much that we went and bought it after we rented it. The ending was the best part! It's one we can watch over and over to catch something we may have missed. Loved it!
I heard this movie was good, but hadn't rented it yet. I guess the previews didn't catch my attention enough. I will definitely be checking it out for sure now. I'm glad you did your movie Monday blog, I've been watching all day to find out what you would review this time.
Brandon and I saw this in the theatre and we loved it. I loved the way they wrapped it all up at the end and showed us(the viewers) how he performed the trick. I can't stand loose ends, so this was the perfect movie. Good review Alicia!
We also liked this movie!
We rented it, so we only watched it once, but I would definitely be interested in seeing it again.
Ryan and I really enjoyed this pick as well! I agree with Bill, there were parts that were a bit slow, but the ending definitly makes up for it. There aren't many movies I can watch more than once, but this one I could.
Great review!
Loved it! I had it completely pegged half way through but Brad didn't see the ending coming. Great movie!
i rented this movie for abe and he said that it was really good so i guess i'll have to rent it again so i can watch it this time. :)
I haven't seen it yet, sounds good, we will have to try and get it this weekend. I loved the review!
Marilyn, my one complaint was that they DIDN'T show how he performed the trick, at least not how he did the illusions. I don't want to say too much and give anything away, but I was dying to know how he did it and they never said!
Karen, I had it pegged when they met on his stage, but they had me so convinced I was wrong that the surprise for me at the end was that I was actually right!
Well, I just thought they wrapped up the loose ends better than in The Prestige. I still haven't figured that one out.
I loved the Prestige and have seen it twice. It was better the second time. Its definately a mind-bender, too. Didn't these 2 movies come out at about the same time? The Illusionist sounds like a must-see (using cliche movie critic lingo here), so I'll pick it up. Thanks for the reviews!
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