Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I was tagged by Tiffani. I'm supposed to pick 6 words that describe my life, but after reading everyone else's lists, I had a really hard time coming up with words that would sound as positive and uplifting as everyone else's. Due to the current situation with my husband's hours, the only words I could come up with were ones like challenging, routine, and tiring. So I got to thinking about the things that were positive in my life right now, especially in relation to my husband's hours.

I knew this would be hard, basically being a single parent, but like I have said, I've found great pride in the fact that I am doing it, and am still managing to smile! But it is hard having no breaks during the day, working my own job from 8 am to 10 pm. Where I go, my kids go. Period. I've never had to get so many babysitters in my life, for things I am less than thrilled about getting babysitters for. I promise I'm not trying to whine, just setting up the scene for my list of gratitude. So with that in mind, this is what I'm grateful for:

~ The most wonderful, selfless, thoughtful sister-in-law and brother, whom I love and adore with all my heart. Seriously, never before have I seen people so willing to offer service with no expectations of anything in return. Several times my sweet sister-in-law has called up and offered to take my kids, for several hours at a time, sometimes over night, so that Bill and I can go out on our rare night together, or just so I can have a break. Any time she overhears me say "I've got this tonight but don't know what to do with my kids," even if I'm not talking to her, she immediately jumps in and says, "Bring them to my house." It makes me want to cry, every time. I am so grateful. They have fed my kids countless times, taken them to the movies, and who knows what else. I know they're not looking for any kind of credit, but they have been such an example to me of service. I love you guys!

~ A loving mom who offered to take my kids every Wednesday afternoon so that I could "have the afternoon off" to take a nap, run errands kids-free, whatever I wanted. Today was the first and it was mah-valous. As if that wasn't enough, she taught Payson to swim! I couldn't believe it! I went to pick them up and there he was, no swimmies, (that was a little scary to see) diving down like a little dolphin and swimming under the water. He was soooo proud of himself.

~ All the people who have made accommodations to help me, no matter how little they may seem, like our Primary Presidency who decided to start meeting at my house for our evening meetings so that I didn't have to figure out what to do with my kids each week. It makes things so much easier for me and I appreciate it so much. And great friends who host our Ward Card Night at their house and tell me to bring my kids in so I can stay and hang out instead of just dropping off my cards. Probably not a big deal to her, but a big deal to me. Thank you!!

So that is my list. It feels great to focus on the positive and express my gratitude to those who are helping me through a little bit harder time. I know it wasn't six words, but I hope it will do! Thanks for the opportunity, Tiffani!


Anonymous said...

It is so weird to hear you talking about having a husband and kids...I remember you were my sunday school teacher (when I was 11) back when you were still dating and I envied you so much. One time you took everyone with you to your car and a bunch of lipstick-blotting papers fell out and I remember thinking how I couldn't wait to be like you...a gorgeous-lipstick- wearing-dating-machine.

Anonymous said...

Rachel's comment is making me smile. I love it.

I think this post is perfect because how can you possibly describe something with only one word, I loved all your words. I think that to consider blessings even during difficult times is essential. Keep smiling, I think you are great.

Anonymous said...

Grateful sums up so many words. I think that this was a beautiful post of how loved you are and supported no matter what. It gave me the warmies. Wonderful people in your life. And it's because of who you are.

Anonymous said...

Alicia, I feel your pain. These days, my husband doesn't get home until midnight (when I'm sound asleep) and leaves early in the morning, including weekends. Fortunately, it is only for two months and not year round. Anyway, you're not alone. I whine and complain, have emotional breakdowns, lots of tears are shed, I lose my patience more easily with my two year old and am exhausted all of the time. If you too experience these things, then I think we're pretty normal.

I like your blog Alicia. I like that you include the negative as well as the positive in your life and don't pretend like your life is perfect. For what its worth, it makes me feel more normal as opposed to a big failure.

Anonymous said...

I love the things you found in your life to be grateful for. It seems like no matter how hard life gets, we can always find things that are good in our lives.

Anonymous said...

"I know it wasn't six words, but I hope it will do!"

Will it do? Oh my gosh, YES!!!

I LOVED this post! I just have to say that I admire you for doing what you're doing right now. It would be incredibly hard. Yes, you are definitely blessed to have such loving people in your life!

Anonymous said...

We love your sweet little family so much, we only wish we could do more.

Anonymous said...

You are a trooper! A dancing queen!! (Sorry, still can't get Mamma mia off my mind!)
Anyway......this time will pass....and you'll look back and say "how did I do that?" You are lucky to have wonderful friends and family to help! And, you know that your kiddos are always invited.....even last minute girls night out stuff! Serious!

Anonymous said...

Great list. You have amazing people in your life who love you and support you. I hope Bill's hours change soon and you can get back to normal.

Anonymous said...

I can see that your life is blessed in many ways :) Great much better than 6 words!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the end of summer for your sake. And seriously, you know your kids are always welcome over here. I won't show them any movies without pre-approval, I promise! I wish you would take me up on some playdates.

Anonymous said...

Alicia, your kids are awesome and they are welcome anytime. Isn't family great too. What would we do without them. I think our moms are so good at seeing what a couple hours to ourselves can do for our attitudes with our kids. I know that the single mom thing is hard and at times you just want to throw your hands up in the air, but each day is a new one and I think you are doing a wonderful job! Be proud of yourself and them!! Love Michelle