But this is when my mind goes crazy. This is when you get the most raw, most real me. So bear with the following ramblings. Everyone knows that coherency after midnight is non-existent.
I did it. I finally did it. I got caught up in my Google Reader. Who knew that when I pledged to read and comment on anyone's blog who commented on mine I would actually end up adding a million blogs to my Google Reader? The ironic part is, the LAST thing I need to be doing is spending MORE time on the computer, specifically, blogging. But I don't care. It is so worth it to be connected to everyone again. And by that I mean all the comments I have been getting.
I have been spending almost all my spare time on a highly classified, top-secret project that I am unbelievably excited about. I cannot tell you what it is, because then I would have to kill you. No, really, I just can't tell you because it is not official yet. I am "trying out" for something, if you will, and am waiting to see if I "get the part." And no, it has nothing to do with acting. Sorry to disappoint. Hopefully in the near future I will have an exciting announcement to make. And no, it has nothing to do with making or having babies. Sorry to disappoint.
So, between a plethora of blogs and top secret projects, there's just no time. No time to clean, no time to get caught up on boring, regular projects that desperately need attention, no time to do laundry (sorry family), no time to play with my new camera, no time to start digital scrapbooking, no time for anything. Even my novel has been on hiatus. :( When did the hours in the day get so short? And will someone PLEASE make me understand that there would be much more of them if I stopped sleeping through so many of them? And also that if I went to bed at a decent hour I might not feel the need to sleep through the day? It's not rocket science, and yet I just can't grasp it.
Anyway, I'd say I'm going to bed now, but it would be a lie, and I try very hard to be honest on my blog. If you see me tomorrow and I look like this
you'll know why.
I totally get you. I stay up too late and then complain about it, but Sundays are nice because I can take a nap. Actually though, I can sleep in a little most days, since my kid #1 goes to PM kindergarten. That is why I'm in this cycle of staying up too late.
Also, I think your last picture should be you asleep, right?
Oh and if you don't feel like commenting on my blog, you don't have to. I know sometimes it's hard to come up with things to say and I'm not just commenting on your blog so that you'll comment on mine. Off to bed, I say! Off!
I'm so excited for your secret project! (Even more so that I know what it is!) I really, really, really hope you get it!!
And yes, the hours in the day truly aren't long enough. It's impossible to get everything done unless you prioritize. You can still take your naps, but get a load in the washer before you lay down, or load the dishwasher, clean the front room, etc. I know, easier said than done, right? :)
I think I know what it is....? By the way you look awesome! Even if you take naps during the day! Good luck to your secret project!
I enjoy your blog posts no matter what time of day or night you write them. I know how you feel about not having enought ime in the day. I also know how exciting it is when you see your comments reach the double digits, it makes my day. That was a hefty task you took on, promising to read all of those blogs, I will say that you are not only the movie queen but maybe even the queen of blog.
oh that picture is hilarious. staying up until 1:30 was totaly worth it just so i could see that picture and laugh at it. thanks!
oh - just so you know, i read your movie blog too and i'll make sure i'll just rent that movie...when abe is out of town. :)
NaDell- I promise I don't comment unless I really want to. And, the last picture was supposed to be of me in a zombie-like state, eyes bugged out with sleep deprivation.
How funny. I was awake last night into the wee hours due to a late afternoon nap, as well. I was tired, so I was in bed, but annoyed when I checked my watch again and saw that it was now 1:30am. I thought of all the things I could have been doing if I had known I wouldn't be sleeping. But I was tired, so I stayed in bed until I finally fell asleep. You have me intrigued as to what your project is. And Kristen is right, you do look great!
You looked great at church, even though you were only running on a few hours of sleep! I'm excited to hear about your secret project!
Alicia, you are so funny. I love your blog. It's funny, inspiring, entertaining, and I enjoy every post. Hope you got a little nap today because I am sure you were in desperate need of one :)
I'm assuming your "secret project" is the one we talked about at McyD's? I am so excited about that! You are going to be so awesome, I was thinking that again when I read your post about Bride Wars. Really. I wanted to ask you about how it was going at church, but unfortunately those three year olds require constant attention, and I barely even got to say hi!
So... thanks for your help today!
Andrea, I'm going to email you, so I can properly answer your question.
That picture is scary!
I can't wait to hear how your "secret project" turns out!
I've had so many of these night owl moments lately... Get up at some ridiculous hour to feed the baby, while I'm 90% asleep myself. Then, when she starts going to sleep after eating, I find that I'm wide awake.
I gotta agree though, it IS nice getting connected (to a whole plethora of cousins) through the blogosphere!
LOL. Good luck on your top secret project!
Good luck on your secret project, you love to tease us with things huh?
I am the same way, stay up too late and then need a nap, then dont get as much done and then stay up too late. Love your awake animal. :)
This picture could represent me too! I stay up WAY too late, and then kick myself in the morning. I do love the humor that you bring to the situation though with this picture! You're so funny!
I know. You're trying out for SYTYCD!!! Hey, a girl can dream right? I would love to say that I know someone on that show! There are going to be auditions in Seattle very soon...I'm just sayin ;)
Please tell me you get my quirky, weird, sarcastic sense of humor!
I just don't know how you stay up so late. Sometimes I wish I could because it would be me having the whole quiet house to myself....ah....that would be delightful! But I can't keep my eyes open much past 11:00
wondering what your top secret project is??????????
A top secret project!!! I cannot wait to hear more about it.
I know the night owl feeling, sometimes that is when I am at my most productive self. The only problem is that I hate to have to get up the next morning.
What is it???? BTW, I love your comment "And no, it has nothing to do with MAKING or having babies." :)
I was up at the same time watching Thursday's episode of The Office. I don't think Jason and I have gone to bed before 1:30 in a week or two. I hate that he gets home so late. It's killing me!
Do you have a date that your going to go 'public' with your top secret project?
Haha, you crack me up Alicia. I hate when I take a nap in the evening and then can't go to bed at night, however, I hate waking up in the middle of a nap even more! Congratulations on catching up on your Google Reader, that is a might feat in my book. And I am so intrigued by your top secret project...hmmm, no babies, no novel, and no acting...what could it be!?
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