Firstly, I want to thank everyone for all their kind words on my "Make My Day" post. Last I checked I had over 40 comments and you have no idea how awesome that is for me. My Google Reader is overflowing and I spend way more time blogging (which I didn't think possible) with all the blogs to read now, but I am loving it. I am good on my word--I am now reading everyone's blog who commented on that post, except for Connie--it won't let me view your profile. Anyway, thank you so much for the much needed boost. I am confident that blogging is still going strong, for a while, anyway. Viva la blogging!
Secondly, it has been requested that a GNO be put into motion for tomorrow (Thursday) night to see Bride Wars.

It is playing at Fairchild at 9:20. If you want to go and want a ride, let me know. I am giving at least one day's notice so I wanna see more butts in the seats! It will be super fun, I can't wait. Anybody who's anybody will be there. ;)
Thirdly, my husband is a serious contender for Husband of the Year 2009. (And it's only two weeks in.) Check in later to find out why.
I am so there for Bride Wars! Don't leave me hanging!!!
I think that sounds like fun! I'll take you up on the offer for a ride too. Do you want me to meet you at your house or do you want to come pick me up?
I'm not sure I will make it, but thanks for posting a day before! :) I have a catch up post I am working on also!
Sounds fun, I will see what I can do...
Oh I wish I could go see Bride Wars with you. Unfortuneatly its our ward Temple Night Tomorrow night. I'll be sure to read your review though.
I have to work!!!! Aghhhh! I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks.
Hey, I was just thinking of calling you and seeing if we could do a movie night this week. I need it BAD! So, count me in. If you've got room, I'd love to ride with ya. Can't wait!
Count me in!! :) Yah! I'm so excited!
Oh my GOSH I cannot wait to see this movie. I've actually been meaning to request a GNO specifically for this movie. I will so use my entire allowance to be able to see it. :-)
But... I'm not sure if I will be able to go tomorrow... But I am going to try to work something out!
I wish I could join you for the movie, but I have a symphony rehearsal...bummer.
Count me in as a "most likely". Just a couple details need ironing before I'm a "for sure".
I can't wait to see what Bill's been up to!
As the token guy commenter, I have to say I'm curious what he did to be such a contender... I know I'm already a front-runner too, so this could be an indicator of the playoffs! :)
Annnd.... if we lived over there, I'm sure Cindy would put her butt in the theater for some bridewars with ya!
Would love to be there...
Since I can't, here's my comment for you--
Do you think it would be cool to have pretend weddings like in the movies or would it make the day you got married less meaningful?
Ahhhhhhh. I like Jen's question miss movie queen woman. I am with Kim on the going to the movie, I will explain later. :)
I'm there.
I would love to see this. I would also love a Girls Night out. I will see what I can do.
So bummed I can't make it but we already had plans for a birthday dinner with my cousin. Hopefully next time!
I'm so sad I missed this post! I would have totally been there. I need to get out!
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