I had a presidency meeting at the church. Bill had told me before I left that he was going to take the kids to get walking shoes. (They hiked up Badger Mountain last Saturday and are now on a hiking kick.) He also told me he was going to "get me a little surprise." This was unexpected, but he does this sometimes when he wants to give me a pick-me-up or he's buttering me up because he secretly bought something (spendy) for himself or plans to do so. I told him I was looking forward to my pack of gum and People magazine. He looked offended and said it would be cooler than that. I was intrigued, but still didn't think much of it.
Fast forward to two hours later. I came home from my meeting and won't deny a little anticipation for my mystery prize. I sat and oohed and ahhed over the kids' shoes and the great deals he got on them (they really were great deals) and sat patiently for the goods. I knew he would be anxious to give it to me, because he's cute like that. As soon as he was done showing me the shoes, he said in a very cryptic tone, "You need to check your email." I thought, "Hmm. Random." I really didn't think it had anything to do with my prize. In fact, the look on his face sort of made me nervous. I thought maybe it was bad. Then, as I logged on, I had a new thought: "What the heck are you doing in my email?" (We have separate accounts and almost NEVER go into each other's emails.) He was getting impatient now, and said, "Just check your email."
So I clicked on my inbox and lo and behold, there was a welcome email from Jessica Sprague herself!!! Okay, not really, but it was the email confirming I was signed up for her first digital scrapbooking class! I was so excited. This was not at all what I was expecting. After gushing over it for the appropriate amount of time, I asked, "Is this what you had in mind the whole time?" He smiled sheepishly and said, "Yeah." I was very impressed and so excited to FINALLY delve into the world of digiscrapping.
So then, with my inbox all open and inviting, I start clicking on some other emails of people that wrote me and comments I got. He walks away, and I figure he's left me to my cyberworld. He left the room for a second, and then from behind me I heard him say, "Hey, if you're gonna..." I thought he was going to say "If you're gonna be on the computer I'm gonna go take a shower" like he usually does, but instead he said, "If you're gonna be taking lots of pictures to digital scrapbook, I figured you could probably use this."
I turned around, half paying attention, half thinking about the comments I wanted to be reading, and this was staring me in the face:
I just stared in shock. I still cannot believe he did it. All on his own, because he wanted me to have one. The whole Jessica Sprague thing was merely a decoy to set the trap for the real thing, although he knew I really did want the class.
Husband of the Year 2009? I think so.
You are kidding me!!!! I canNOT believe you got one too! Go Bill! I am so completely, insanely jealous. And super excited for you to start the digital classes. Can't wait to see all your beautiful pictures.
Way to go Bill! What an amazingly thoughtful thing for your husband to do!
I can't wait to see the pictures and pages you reap from this.
Love that Bill. He hooked my girl up!!! I am so excited for you!! I, too, cannot wait to see your creations!
Oh. My. Gosh. Seriously? Wow. That is not a little treat picked up at the grocery store... that is so awesome! You're a lucky girl!
Seriously!! That is way cool! Can't wait to see your masterpieces!!
That was way sweet of Bill! My favorite part was when you thought he would be anxious to give you the mystery prize because "he's cute like that."
That is awesome!!!! Good job Bill!
Uhhhhh, could you please have Bill have a little talk with John. Cause you know that I got Pellets for our Pellet stove for my birthday and that he was planning on getting me floor mats for the Suburban for Christmas....really, could your husband help my guy out!?
Oh my goodness!!! Can we also take a class on how to take pictures with these nice cameras we have? Usually I have to buy my stuff and hide it for a couple weeks so when I am asked, "is that new?" I can say, "of course not!" You do have a very thoughtful husband!
Now that is the sweetest thing ever!
How adorable! How sweet! What a wonderful, thoughtful husband you have! I must be hormonal...I am seriously bawling right now! I can't wait to see what you create with your class and new fancy shmancy camera!
That is so exciting, what an awesome surprise. Bill, Bill, you're the man, if he can't do it no one can!
Ahhhh, what a sweetheart. Give him a big kiss for me.
He gets my vote - hands down! You are one lucky girl!
Lucky! i have always wanted a rebel, instead I just have a stoopid nikon.
I'm impressed! Good job, Bill!
But ya know... that really sets a high bar for the rest of 2009... :)
aaaawwwwweeeessssooooommmeeee! way to go bill. that is such HUGE brownie points. i am thrilled for you. i expect a decrease in your blogging time after your cass so you can delve into this, I'm sure, insanely addictive thing. fun for you!
is he fur reel? fun for you!!
Yep. Hands down, husband of the year! I'm excited for you, Alicia!!
Way to go Bill!! So did you ever find out what he wants for himself!!?? Just kidding Bill! That was awesome. Husband of the Year for sure.
Wow! Congratulations! That is so super exciting!!! I'm still going through Up and Running. I have vouchers for the next two classes, so I really need to get in gear and finish this one. I can't wait to see your stuff! How cool is Bill?
Oh, I don't know if you know, but CreatingKeepsakes.com has a lot of digital scrapbooking tips and downloads. You click on the magazine tab and click on CreatingKeepsakes. I haven't taken the time to check out the other publications yet, but I bet they offer instruction, as well.
What a great husband! That is SO cool, I can't wait to see all your digi scrapbooking stuff you come up with...and all of the cool pictures too!
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