Friday, May 15, 2009

Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

I'm not freaking out about entering the 30's.
I'm freaking out about leaving the 20's.
Major things happened in my twenties.
I met my eternal companion.
I got married.
I had a baby.
I had another one.
I bought a house.
I bought another one.
I made friendships that changed my life.
I discovered blogging.
I got published (sort of).
I learned monumental things about myself.
It was a good decade.

And now I am starting a new one.
Ten years ahead of me.
A blank slate.
What will it bring?
Another baby?
Another house?
Published for real?
Only time will tell.

Now that I'm old and wise and have a plethora of worldly experience under my belt, let me share with you some of these jewels of knowledge I've obtained.

  1. Life is full of surprises. If you go on vacation 8 months pregnant, you will come home with a baby.
  2. Judging comes back to haunt you. If you judge someone for doing something, you will inevitably end up doing it yourself and looking like a complete hypocrite.
  3. Never say never. You may think you'd never get engaged to someone you've never met, but deep down inside, you know it's the cool thing to do.
  4. Your kids teach you things you never would have guessed. Like, eyelashes are not necessary.
  5. There are consequences to breaking the rules. If you slip across a toll bridge without paying, it doesn't mean you got lucky. You will get a ticket in the mail.
  6. Friends come and go, but family is forever. Forever. Even if they won't speak to you or let you in their house, they're still stuck with you for the eternities. Whether they like it or not.
  7. Miracles do happen. Apparently you can give birth...twice...and still have no idea what a contraction feels like.
  8. Faith can move mountains. You can do everything possible to prepare for the worst, but when it comes down to it, it's really just between you and the Lord.
  9. Fame is fickle. Enjoy your five minutes. Even if you think you're hot stuff because your words are on the back of a book, life has a way of putting you in your place about ten books later.
  10. Soulmates are real. Because not many other people would come home to no dinner, no clean clothes, a messy house and a sleeping wife and tell you you're the best.
  11. Friendships change. And that's okay. Not many people understand this. In the end, you gotta surround yourself with the people that make you happy.
  12. Dieting sucks. Because chocolate will never be healthy and broccoli will never taste good.
  13. Parenting is hard. Because even when you think you're doing good, your son's preschool teacher calls to discuss the bruise he left on his best friend's chest when he punched him.
  14. God is love. At the end of the day, your beliefs and your relationship with Christ is what will get you through the next one.
  15. Your parents were right. As much as you hate to admit it, they really were.
  16. Life has a way of keeping you humble. It's hard to have a big head when you're driving a monstrous minivan with square patches all over it.
  17. Sometimes there's no scientific reason. It's quite possible to feel like death on a stick for five months and never find out why.
  18. Some things never change. If nuts made you gag as a child, they can still make you gag at 30.
  19. Comparing is never good. You may have a cleaner house than me, but I can still flip you off with my second toe.
  20. Some things just are. You may hate it with every ounce of your being and try to hide it from all the world, but you know the truth--under all that color lays a head of hair that is no longer blonde.
  21. Math is hard. It is possible to fail Math 95...three times. I don't know anyone personally that has, I'm just sayin'...
  22. You gotta be true to yourself. You're only hurting yourself by pretending to be someone you're not. And really, you're not fooling anyone.
  23. Expect the unexpected. You may think you wanted to have five kids, but maybe after two you realized you're just happy you've kept the two you have alive this long.
  24. You just never know. When you were ten and someone asked you what you thought your biggest challenge in life was going to be, you probably didn't answer, "Throwing up."
  25. Tender mercies are real. Like meeting Blake Lewis on an airplane.
  26. You can only do your best. And somehow learn to be happy with yourself for doing just that.
  27. Be kind to others. Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too. When your heart is filled with love, others will love you. Nuff said.
  28. Kids keep it real. Like when you get dressed for the day and put on makeup and they ask you why you're "all fancy."
  29. Passion keeps life interesting. Be passionate about something. Even if it's a teenage vampire.
  30. Life is good. Really, it is. Because all that crap you've had to go through was just to make the good times that much sweeter.



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::lindsay said...

I loved your list!

Happy Birthday Alicia! I hope you have a wonderful day. Your 20's sounded like they were terrific. I bet your 30's will be just as great, if not better!

Lee said...

Happy Birthday! Alicia I love your list.. and how real and true it is. It shows what a wonderful woman you are. And I can relate so much to many things on your list. I hope your day is awesome!!!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day and you are flooded wiht comments!
I love your list!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday, Alicia!

andrea said...

Happy birthday!!!!! This was an awesome post. I especially loved the one about being "fancy", because every time Addie sees me getting dressed she asks if we're going to Wal-Mart of Kaylee & Trevor's house.

Hope you have a FABULOUS day, it looks like you might get your wish of beautiful weather!

Lisa Christine said...

I could totally see this list being published into one of those small Hallmark gift/inspiration books. It's very clever, honest, and funny.

Have an amazing day Alicia, you deserve it :)

Happy Birthday!

( met Blake Lewis on an airplane?!?! Amazing!)

aubrey said...

Happy Birthday Cousin!!

This was a great post, you really have a way with words! It's everything we all think. Very nice.

Hope your day is awesome and your next decade brings you complete happiness!

Amy J. said...

LOVE your list...I am amazed you could remember so many funny one liners for each of your numbers!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY...hope you get lots and lots of comments!!!

Marilyn said...

Alicia, I wish I had NOTHING to do today so I could just sit here and comment for you all day...but I'm sure your comments will totally rock today! I LOVED your list, especially the "fancy" comment because my kids do the same I can relate.

Once again, May 15th is a beautiful day and I hope you have a beautiful birthday as well!

Ben and Alissa said...

Happy Birthday!

Ben and Alissa said...

Love your list!!

Ben and Alissa said...

I don't think people so far understand that you want LOTS of comments!!!

Svenja said...

Happy Birthday all the way from Germany 
I hope you day will be as you wished and that the sun will shine not only outside but also inside.
I’ll celebrate your birthday together with my dad‘s tonight with the rest of the family.
Have a great day!!!!

Ben and Alissa said...

I love the title of the post. I love that movie!

Ben and Alissa said...

I hope the weather is great for you today!!

Ben and Alissa said...

Katie says Happy Birthday!

mdf kkkkffm hjhmlk nb

That's from her :)

Ben and Alissa said...

I bet your thirties are going to be awesome!

emahaf said...

Happy birthday, i hope the next ten years are as great as the last 10.

andrea said...

Holy cow, when I saw I had 11 comment e-mails I didn't realize they'd ALL be from Alissa! :-)

andrea said...

PS 13 Going on 30 is one of my favorite movies!!!

Ben and Alissa said...

Happy happy happy happy happy happy birthday (to the Happy Anniversary song tune on So I Married An Ax Murderer)

rip said...

Alright, Alright! For your birthday I will come out of hiding to wish you a very happy birthday!

Enjoy your thirties, it can be a wonderful decade!

p.s. your list was AMAZING!

MARISA said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Alicia....Happy Birthday to you!

Great post today, I hope you have a wonderful, sun-shining, non-puking, lot of commenting, birthday!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Happy Birthday!! Don't fear the blank slate - 30 was when I started to hit my stride, and had so many great things happen during that decade that I can't believe I was ever apprehensive about crossing into it!

Ciana said...

Hey Alicia-It is Ciana (Fielding). I love your blogs. I have used your recommendations on movies a time or two. I miss the movie reviews but I am more anxiously waiting for the second installment of the Rudolfo saga.

Happy Birthday!

NaDell said...

Happy Birthday! How long were you planning that title?
Love your list!
Hope your day is wonderful!

Amy J. said...

.......,,,,,,,,ynjuyuhym ykkhgftfry b yhg wawarr e , dw ,za,. , we7.7 JUZnmjn myhb xzgftzhmikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkicccczfr h gf gft g bgf F ngn gAGU gZAgZG gg vvv n


Brenda said...

So I thought I was getting my blogging done early today....didn't know SO many people blog at unheard of hours in the morning...sheesh...ever heard of sleeping in? My kids always wonder if it is "church day" when I get "fancy" Loved the post

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (I am LOVING my 30's so is a good place to be)

Ben and Alissa said...

Just passing by my computer again, so I thought I'd leave you another comment!

Ben and Alissa said...

You'll have over a year of being 30 under your belt by the time I get there so you'll have to let me know how it is!

Rachel said...

Alicia, Happy Birthday! I loved your list, I think you are such a talented writer and I cant wait until you are published! I hope you have a great day. I love your sense of speaks to me! I hope your thirties are amazing.

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Alicia - I tried to get your attention last night while we were so rudely ruining the mood of your enrichment - your hair looks amazing! There's no way, there's not 'real' blonde under there;)

Em and Ms said...

Happy Birthday Alicia! I loved your list, and #20 especially made me laugh. I hope you have a wonderful 30th birthday. It's amazing how the older you get, the younger certain ages seem. 30 is still definitely young and fun.

Ben and Alissa said...

I wouldn't have thought it would be hard for me to leave lots of comments, but I just don't have much to say. But I'm doing it! I guess no one took "c" to heart from your last post.

"The more the merrier" people!

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl. I am so glad we met. You are so fun to be around and I love it! Have a great day and year to come!

ashley said...

Happy Birthday Alicia! This was a great list. I didn't know you were turning 30 though, I would have guessed you were 26! But I hear thirties are the new twenties :) Your beautiful, talented, and hilarious; I hope you have a wonderful birthday, you deserve it!

Ben and Alissa said...

I hope your breakfast out was yummy!

Ashley Calaway said...

Happy Birthday Leesh! I was just thinking about the night when you, Tara and I pulled an all nighter (yup, I was like 9 or 10) and watched the whole Anne of Green Gables series. I remember you had those keebler cookies that had chocolate drizzled on the front of them and covered in the back and I loved them. But most of all, I just remember feeling so cool that my older sister and cousin would include me in a special night like that. I fell asleep at some point during the night and missed out on some of the movie and you guys goin in to the pool and hot tub, but I still felt super cool and so grown up. Thanks for the fun memories, and thanks for providing me with daily entertainment on your blog. I love your writing style and you always seem to make me smile or laugh out loud. I hope this birthday is the best yet!

Ben and Alissa said...

Just passing by again. How many is this now from me, 50? Well, probably not that many (yet).


PRP said...

Happy birthday! I can't believe you're only 30...why am I so much older than everyone else????

I hope your day rocks and that it's filled with chocolatey things, a visit from your favorite vampire, a new pack of gum and something from McDonalds!

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Happy Birthday TO you
(Feel free to Birthday insert song here)
I hope your day is rockin.Your list was just awesome. I love it. I totally laughed out loud about the 2nd toe flip off! Priceless. Wish I could do it. Happy haapy happy Happy BIRTHDAY. Now take it from me and GO do something a thirty year old would do. Take a nap or a bath. Have some YOU time. I would.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

I told Rieken "to come say something to Alicia for her Birthday." and her said ...
"Whosed a leash on?"
I said " A-L-I-C-I-A"
" oh he said well fine then happy birfday
SO sheesh have a happy Birfday "k"

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Tiernen says:
v e h gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

I think maybe he was saying VEGAS? I'm not sure I am sure it wasn't to bluff or true love but Vegas is a definite possibility. or it could have been veggies hmm I just don't know anyhow have a good and eat those veggies.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

WAIT your thirty now you don't have to eat veggies if you don't want to . it's all about the perks baby.

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you a great decade..... Can't wait to see what it brings!!

Ben and Alissa said...

I love that someone else commented several times, yay!!

Ben and Alissa said...

My visiting teachers are going to be here in a few minutes, so I just wanted to leave a couple comments before they got here. Happy Birthday!

Ben and Alissa said...

I hope you don't think it's lame that like 1/3 of the comments are from me. Too bad I guess. I'm going to try to keep this up all day!

Ben and Alissa said...

Annnnd one more for good measure.

Debie Spurgeon said...

Who am I to deny a Birthday Girl her wish.

Here goes...

Debie Spurgeon said...

Have a very, very...

Debie Spurgeon said...


Debie Spurgeon said...


Debie Spurgeon said...


Debie Spurgeon said...


Debie Spurgeon said...


Happy Birthday

(I would keep going only I've got to do a kindergarten pick-up)

JenFielding said...

Dear Alicia,

Debi beat me to my idea.

JenFielding said...

But I'm going to do it anyway...

Stacia said...

Happy Birthday Alicia!

Amy J said...

Another Happy Birthday from me! Breakfast was fun! Love Amy

JenFielding said...

Have a very...

JenFielding said...


JenFielding said...


Stacia said...

Great list. I love the tender mercies! I giggled.

JenFielding said...


Stacia said...

If you were wondering who the Kelly was that's my Kelly. He came out of hiding just for your birthday! :)

JenFielding said...


JenFielding said...

You have a gift for making other people laugh. I hope you get some of that in return. You deserve it. I've always looked up to you so much. Have an awesome day!

Love, Jen

Mom said...

SURPRISE!!!What a lot of wonderful insight your 30 years has brought you. And you've got a terrific sense of humor. Plus, you're the only one who ever laughs (really laughs, not the courtesy kind) at my attempts at homor. I love your "30 things" I love you and am glad you're my daughter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Stacia said...

So it looks like you got your nice spring day!!

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

just to drive you crazy - happy birthday!

Tara Cobia said...

Happy Birthday Al -i-ki-a! I don't remember where or when that came from, just that we always called you that!

Tara Cobia said...

I knew I had good taste when we were like 7 and writing/illustrating (I drew the pictures (with stickers as the main characters :)) and you of course did the writing) our series of ballerina books.

Tara Cobia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tara Cobia said...

Some things don't change do they? You're still an amazing writer, so eloquent. However, some things do change, illustrating never was my thing. I think I'll stick to my day job! Please refer to our 'books' from yester-year for evidence!

Tara Cobia said...

Love your guts! and your writing - you really should contact Hallmark and see if you can publish your list, it is right on. Keep on writing and let me know when I can read your 'finished product'. I'm not reading any teasers b/c I want to start off your book without any preconceived ideas or anticipations. :) Can't wait for it to be in print!

Ben and Alissa said...

Yay for people leaving tons of comments!!!

Ben and Alissa said...

I'm away for an hour and there's like 30 more comments! Hooray!

Ben and Alissa said...

Ben says I'm a "commenting fool" and he thinks I'm being silly. I say, it's not silly if it's a birthday present!

Ben and Alissa said...

Seriously, when are you going to be home, I'm coming over whether you like it or not.

Ben and Alissa said...

I hope shopping goes well! What a treat to be kidless for a little while!

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Just thought I'd stop in and tell you a little something about you that i haave always loved! YOur Laugh. I remember staying the night at your house one time and we laughed and laughed and when I cam ehome I tried for weeks to make m ylaugh sound as "good" as yours did. I just could't get it right though. So here is to the gal with the best laugh. Happy Birthday:)

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Just thought I'd stop in and tell you a little something about you that i haave always loved! YOur Laugh. I remember staying the night at your house one time and we laughed and laughed and when I cam ehome I tried for weeks to make m ylaugh sound as "good" as yours did. I just could't get it right though. So here is to the gal with the best laugh. Happy Birthday:)

Ben and Alissa said...

I love your laugh too! It's so contagious!

Ben and Alissa said...

Happy Birthday!

Ben and Alissa said...

Thanks for going with me to enrichment last night! It was so nice to have an automatic friend to talk to and not have to wonder who you can sit by.

Ben and Alissa said...

Katie just gave me her sign language for done. I asked "do you want me to be done?" and she nodded yes, so I guess I'm done for a little bit!

[M] said...

So, I wish I had time to post a million comments, but my boys just spilled a bag of flour on the floor. I hope you have a fabulous birthday! I can't wait to see you this summer.

Ben and Alissa said...

Just a quickie! Hope you're doing good!

Ben and Alissa said...

I wonder if I can make you laugh with just two words....

Kangaroo scene

Did I do it?

Ben and Alissa said...

Let's see if another one will work:

Fan scene

Yes? I thought about that the other day and cracked up and can't wait for it to come out so I can watch it again.

Ben and Alissa said...


Ben and Alissa said...


Ben and Alissa said...


Ben and Alissa said...


Ben and Alissa said...


Ben and Alissa said...


Ben and Alissa said...


Ben and Alissa said...


Ben and Alissa said...

Happy 100th comment! Happy Birthday!

Ben and Alissa said...

I bet we can make it to 200 but I'll need some help!

Ben and Alissa said...

So I just found a website that says how to say Happy Birthday in 161 languages.... you may be be getting at least 161 more from me. We'll see if it happens.

Ben and Alissa said...

Veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag!

That's Afrikaans. I'm pretty sure there are some clicks in there too, but I don't know how you'd type that out.

andrea said...

OMG I wish I didn't subscribe to the emailed comments for this post!

andrea said...

But since it's your BIRTHDAY, I am reading all the comments.

andrea said...

Happy birthday!!!!

andrea said...

I don't really have anything to say, but Alissa's really brought out my competitive side.

andrea said...

So I'll try to think of something interesting to say...

andrea said...

Maybe something about you...

andrea said...

And how awesome you are...

andrea said...

Or how old you are...

andrea said...

Hmmmm... yeah, nothing's coming. ;-)

andrea said...

I really don't think it's possible for me to catch up to Alissa now.

andrea said...

But happy birthday anyway!

Heidi D said...

30 is not so bad. I am almost one year into it. I think I was kind of a baby about it at first though.

Happy Birthday. :)

tharker said...

Happy Birthday Alicia!!!

I'm so glad that the weather man cooperated with your wishes today!

I hope you have a great day full of gum, naps, and a super yummy dinner. (that you don't have to prepare!)

Loved your list!

Amy said...

Holy 115 comments Batman!

Amy said...

This post made me laugh so hard! You are hilarious!

Amy said...

I love the "all fancy" comment... sad, but oh, so true.

Amy said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Amy said...

Holy comments from Alissa! Hope you make it to 200...

hatch said...

Happy birthday Alicia!!!!
I loved your list. Enjoy this new decade!! So far I have loved my thirties! That is my birthday wish for you.

Shauna said...


Ben and Alissa said...

Sorry Andrea, but you'll never catch up, hint hint.... (*whispers* get it? I'm taunting you so you'll try to catch up and then Alicia will have a elevendy-billion comments)

Ben and Alissa said...

Yes I said elevendy-billion. It's our favorite number around here.

Ben and Alissa said...

I guarantee that if Ben saw that I typed elevendy-billion he would crack up.

Ben and Alissa said...

So this will be my 45th comment... I guess I'll have to make it to 50 and then I'll go do something else for a while...

Ben and Alissa said...

So I hope people don't think I'm a crazy stalker weird or something.

Ben and Alissa said...

But if I'd requested this, I would totally want people to act like a crazy stalker weirdo and me get (yes, I'm going to say it) elevendy-billion comments!

andrea said...

I am also a fan of the number eleventy billion!

Ben and Alissa said...

So you're not going to let me come do your dishes, huh.

andrea said...

It WOULD be cool if she got that many comments.

Ben and Alissa said...

Oh Andrea, it's so on (just because you're online right now)

andrea said...

It would probably be the best birthday present ever.

andrea said...

And the cheapest.

Ben and Alissa said...

I don't think you can catch up, you're too weak

andrea said...

I can try, but I can never catch up! If only I had started this morning...

andrea said...


andrea said...


andrea said...

Ok, I promised Addie computer time, but she is so not getting it.

Brenda said...

eleventy billion? Never heard of such craziness....But ok, I hope you get eleventy billion comments too.

andrea said...

I have work to do!

Ben and Alissa said...

Andrea, is it working?

Yes, it appears to be working...


andrea said...

Hey Alissa, we should form a secret eleventy billion club and not let Brenda join.

Ben and Alissa said...

Sorry Addie, Mommy's going to be a crazy stalker weirdo!

Brenda said...

You are doing work on Alicia's Birthday??? Don't you know it is a work/throw up free day?

Ben and Alissa said...

Maybe when she gets over 25 comments we'll think about it.

andrea said...

Alicia, I'm so glad you gave me permission to NOT throw up today. I really needed a day off.

Ben and Alissa said...

Ohh, comment 150 is coming up, who's going to take it!?

Ben and Alissa said...


andrea said...

Addie keeps asking if it's her turn yet.

andrea said...

I might have to switch computers.

Brenda said...

I made sure to throw up right before midnight last night to get it out of my system so that it would be throw up free

J/K Alicia....I am not sick...I promise...still be my friend!!

Ben and Alissa said...

I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up. But I can't let Andrea win!

andrea said...

Nephi says happy bithday.

Ben and Alissa said...

LOL, Brenda that comment made me laugh out loud (hence the lol). I'm so glad you threw up before midnight last night just to make sure.

andrea said...

And he's not neutered, so you can imagine what else he's doing to say happy birthday.

andrea said...

Ok Alissa, it really is break time for me for just one minute.

Brenda said...

ha ha ha... I have seen Nephi say happy birthday before (to Jace and Ashton) It is not a pretty picture.

Ben and Alissa said...

Poor Addie... you should be a good mom and let her play

I'll just sit here commenting until Katie wakes up from her nap...

andrea said...

But don't think I'm going to forget that taunt.

andrea said...

And I will not let you taunt me a second time.

Ben and Alissa said...

Brenda, I think you and I should be friends. You crack me up!

andrea said...

Darn you and your sleeping baby...

Ben and Alissa said...

I shall taunt you a second time!

Ben and Alissa said...

So why are we doing this? Oh yeah, Alicia.... completely forgot, jk

Happy Birthday Alicia! It looks like I'm your bestest friend (and with the most time)

Brenda said...

This leaving a bunch of comments business is making me laugh so hard I might throw, wait...I can't....must hold on a little longer!

Ben and Alissa said...

Hello? Comment buddies? Donde estan?

andrea said...

No, I love Alicia more, because I will now post the most comments, while kneeling on the floor with no chair to sit on.

andrea said...

See my devotion??

Ben and Alissa said...

Brenda, can you make it for 8 hours!? If you do throw up just told tell Alicia, it would completely ruin her birthday. And it would be all. your. fault.

andrea said...

Here I am, my knees weakening, but I press on. For Alicia.

Ben and Alissa said...

(um my last one was supposed to say "don't tell alicia" not "told tell alicia" I'm starting to type gibberish)

Brenda said...

man, a kid just came to my door, I had to answer it...darn kids.

andrea said...

Only 8 more hours of Alicia's birthday? Sad.

Ben and Alissa said...

Oh poor Andrea, what love and dedication you have.

andrea said...

Darn kids is right. Who needs 'em?

Ben and Alissa said...

We're almost to 200!

andrea said...

I think I'll take mine and dump them off on some unsuspecting schmo.

Brenda said...

Happy Happy Birthday Alicia dear
Happy Days will come to you all year
If I had a wish than it would be
eleventy billion comments to you from me!

andrea said...

Oh my gosh I want the 200th comment

Ben and Alissa said...


Brenda, say something funny again!

andrea said...

I want it so bad.

andrea said...

That's what she said.

Ben and Alissa said...

I want the 200th comment, it's only fair, I have the 100th and 150th

andrea said...

Yeah Brenda! Where's all the hilarity?

Brenda said...


Ben and Alissa said...

You barely started this came, you don't deserve it!

andrea said...

I hope Barlow doesn't come home soon, I'd have to explain what I'm doing and he'll give me one of those "my wife's an idiot" looks.

andrea said...

Oh crap, here he is.

Ben and Alissa said...

We saw a band name online for Rock Band and they were the That's What She Said's.

We busted up laughing

andrea said...

If he asks, it's for charity.

Brenda said...

I thought the happy birthday song with the eleventy billion comment was guys just dont get it...but I didn't write it for you, I wrote it for there.

Ben and Alissa said...

Ben doesn't know what I'm doing, but I think he would be proud of my dedication for making Alicia's birthday the best!

andrea said...

I am going to be 200th, I feel it.

Ben and Alissa said...

I did like that people are saying eleventy billion now. It's pretty awesome.

Ben and Alissa said...

Just like ALicia

Ben and Alissa said...


andrea said...

Wait I didn't even read the song lyrics!

Ben and Alissa said...


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