Friday, May 15, 2009

Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

I'm not freaking out about entering the 30's.
I'm freaking out about leaving the 20's.
Major things happened in my twenties.
I met my eternal companion.
I got married.
I had a baby.
I had another one.
I bought a house.
I bought another one.
I made friendships that changed my life.
I discovered blogging.
I got published (sort of).
I learned monumental things about myself.
It was a good decade.

And now I am starting a new one.
Ten years ahead of me.
A blank slate.
What will it bring?
Another baby?
Another house?
Published for real?
Only time will tell.

Now that I'm old and wise and have a plethora of worldly experience under my belt, let me share with you some of these jewels of knowledge I've obtained.

  1. Life is full of surprises. If you go on vacation 8 months pregnant, you will come home with a baby.
  2. Judging comes back to haunt you. If you judge someone for doing something, you will inevitably end up doing it yourself and looking like a complete hypocrite.
  3. Never say never. You may think you'd never get engaged to someone you've never met, but deep down inside, you know it's the cool thing to do.
  4. Your kids teach you things you never would have guessed. Like, eyelashes are not necessary.
  5. There are consequences to breaking the rules. If you slip across a toll bridge without paying, it doesn't mean you got lucky. You will get a ticket in the mail.
  6. Friends come and go, but family is forever. Forever. Even if they won't speak to you or let you in their house, they're still stuck with you for the eternities. Whether they like it or not.
  7. Miracles do happen. Apparently you can give birth...twice...and still have no idea what a contraction feels like.
  8. Faith can move mountains. You can do everything possible to prepare for the worst, but when it comes down to it, it's really just between you and the Lord.
  9. Fame is fickle. Enjoy your five minutes. Even if you think you're hot stuff because your words are on the back of a book, life has a way of putting you in your place about ten books later.
  10. Soulmates are real. Because not many other people would come home to no dinner, no clean clothes, a messy house and a sleeping wife and tell you you're the best.
  11. Friendships change. And that's okay. Not many people understand this. In the end, you gotta surround yourself with the people that make you happy.
  12. Dieting sucks. Because chocolate will never be healthy and broccoli will never taste good.
  13. Parenting is hard. Because even when you think you're doing good, your son's preschool teacher calls to discuss the bruise he left on his best friend's chest when he punched him.
  14. God is love. At the end of the day, your beliefs and your relationship with Christ is what will get you through the next one.
  15. Your parents were right. As much as you hate to admit it, they really were.
  16. Life has a way of keeping you humble. It's hard to have a big head when you're driving a monstrous minivan with square patches all over it.
  17. Sometimes there's no scientific reason. It's quite possible to feel like death on a stick for five months and never find out why.
  18. Some things never change. If nuts made you gag as a child, they can still make you gag at 30.
  19. Comparing is never good. You may have a cleaner house than me, but I can still flip you off with my second toe.
  20. Some things just are. You may hate it with every ounce of your being and try to hide it from all the world, but you know the truth--under all that color lays a head of hair that is no longer blonde.
  21. Math is hard. It is possible to fail Math 95...three times. I don't know anyone personally that has, I'm just sayin'...
  22. You gotta be true to yourself. You're only hurting yourself by pretending to be someone you're not. And really, you're not fooling anyone.
  23. Expect the unexpected. You may think you wanted to have five kids, but maybe after two you realized you're just happy you've kept the two you have alive this long.
  24. You just never know. When you were ten and someone asked you what you thought your biggest challenge in life was going to be, you probably didn't answer, "Throwing up."
  25. Tender mercies are real. Like meeting Blake Lewis on an airplane.
  26. You can only do your best. And somehow learn to be happy with yourself for doing just that.
  27. Be kind to others. Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too. When your heart is filled with love, others will love you. Nuff said.
  28. Kids keep it real. Like when you get dressed for the day and put on makeup and they ask you why you're "all fancy."
  29. Passion keeps life interesting. Be passionate about something. Even if it's a teenage vampire.
  30. Life is good. Really, it is. Because all that crap you've had to go through was just to make the good times that much sweeter.



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 374 of 374
andrea said...


andrea said...

No!!!!!!! 201!!!

Ben and Alissa said...

CRAP! Someone beat me to it I was going too fast!

No wait! It was me!!!

Ben and Alissa said...

Yay! I'm so awesome!

Ben and Alissa said...

Sorry Andrea... maybe I'll let you have 350... maybe

andrea said...

Brenda! You're right! The song WAS funny.

Ben and Alissa said...

Er, I meant 250.... or maybe I didn't... Maybe you'll get 350 and you should just be happy with that.

andrea said...

350? I have to get 250 and 300 first.

Ben and Alissa said...

Sorry, it's just not going to happen.

Brenda said...

Darn right it was funny, I like to be funny because I know Alicia likes funny things, and it is her birthday after all.


andrea said...

I realize now that Alicia will NOT be able to follow our conversation.

andrea said...

If she even reads these.

andrea said...

If I were her, I would not read all this.

andrea said...

But I'm not her, she is WAAAAAAAY more awesome than me!

Brenda said...

You guys are way faster than me...I am slow, but funny, that works for me and Alicia.

Ben and Alissa said...

As of just a second ago I have 75 comments and Andrea, you have 53.... I guess you are getting serious about this!

andrea said...

Alicia likes funny things? Like "Alissa's going to get the most comments"?

andrea said...

How do you know?

andrea said...

Do you have to scroll through and count them all?

Brenda said...

It's all you guys now, I don't even know how you are keeping track of what comment number you are on, or how many you have.


Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

I guess Ben and Alissa love you more :p But Happy Birthday from me. I for 196 am glad you were born. And the 30's are fabulous!

Ben and Alissa said...

I was just thinking the same thing about Alicia reading all this. I'm just sure she'll think it's funny and love the comments in the eleventy billions (well, hundreds, close enough, especially for someone who failed math 95 three times! OUCH!! She won't read that I'm sure, she's not going to read EVERY comment)

andrea said...

I'm glad I switched computers, a larger screen and faster computer equals more comments.

andrea said...

You better hope she doesn't read that!

andrea said...

Well, Alissa, you are a worthy opponent.

Ben and Alissa said...

I clicked on the post title so it lists the post and all the comments, then I cut and pasted into Word and then I did a search and replace for our respective names and then hit "replace all" and it says "do you want to replace x amount of items" or whatever it says, and that's how I know!

andrea said...

But Barlow and I are going to the temple...

andrea said...

And I guess that's slightly more important...

andrea said...


Ben and Alissa said...

But I think you're typing shorter comments than me.

Ben and Alissa said...

I can break them up to.

Ben and Alissa said...

Oh, I see, playing the "we're going to the temple card" uh huh

andrea said...

Ok, that seems more complicated than just counting it. :-)

Ben and Alissa said...

Sure sure, I'm bet your hands are just cramping from keeping up with my speed!

andrea said...

Happy birthday Alicia!!

Ben and Alissa said...

Yeah, it might seem complicated for someone that's only second best. ZING!

Ben and Alissa said...

Happy Birthday Alicia!

Brenda said...

Why don't I have a cute picture by my comments...hmmm...oh yeah, I was leaving to go do work before someone drops their darn kids off at my house while they go to the temple.

Ben and Alissa said...

Brenda, it is in the options, you just choose to have a profile picture.

Barlow said...

I continue to comment even after Andrea has stopped because I care. I guess that just makes me a better person... I guess I should read the blog post before I start to comment...

Ben and Alissa said...

So Andrea's getting all "fancy" and Brenda's off to clean her house. I guess I might have to slow down a bit...

Barlow said...

Brenda, I am sorry you don't have a cute picture, all the cute genes skipped you... OH, you mean the picture on blogger...

Ben and Alissa said...

Well, I have 94 (this will be 95) comments. I guess I'll get to 100 and go start dinner...

Ben and Alissa said...

Lets see, oh drat, for my 95th comment I should have said something else about math 95! I missed my chance!

Ben and Alissa said...

I'm so glad someone decided to take time to make Alicia happy! She's going to open her email and be like "245 comments!? Happy Birthday to me!"

Ben and Alissa said...

I hope the temple thing all isn't a ruse so that I'll go make dinner thinking Andrea's gone and then POW she comments for an hour straight and I'm left in the dust.

andrea said...

Or she'll be like, "Oh man, I need new friends who aren't losers."

Ben and Alissa said...

If it is, it's a pretty good one to even have Brenda in on it... "watching her kids" yeah right. :)

andrea said...

I guess I have a few more minutes to rack some up.

Ben and Alissa said...

ooh, 250 up for grabs!

Ben and Alissa said...

ME!! yes yes yes! *fist pumps*

Ben and Alissa said...

So I just passed 100.... this will be 102... what am I going to do now!? I wanted to stop on a good number (you can call me Monk you wanna), but now that Andrea's back....

andrea said...

Alissa, your poor family needs dinner!

andrea said...

Really, what kind of wife/mother are you?

Ben and Alissa said...

Hey Andrea, did you read back and see that one I totally zinged you on?
oh man, it was so good.

Ben and Alissa said...

Katie's still asleep... Ben's playing a game, dinner can wait another little bit, what you think we're going to eat at 4:30?

Ben and Alissa said...

Let's see...

Ben and Alissa said...

what else to talk about...

Ben and Alissa said...

Well, I know, I hate to admit it, but I'm going to be going for a little while.

Peace out!

andrea said...

Ok Alicia, for a good birthday laugh you need to go to Hulu and watch the "Japanese Office" SNL digital short.

andrea said...

Alissa- I saw the zing. And... uh... you've got one coming YOUR way...

andrea said...

Uh... I'll get back to you on that one.

andrea said...

Maybe I'll find inspiration for a good one at the temple.

andrea said...

I am so getting struck by lightening!

andrea said...

Bummer, I probably won't get to see 300. So sad.

andrea said...

Happy birthday Alicia!!!

linda said...

Not that you need this, but i really hope your birthday is a blast!!!! you deserve it!!!


Alicia Leppert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ben and Alissa said...

Hehe, Alicia I saw your comment before you deleted it. You have way more comments than that!

Amy said...

So, I'm gonna sneak in here and break up the commenting party-
and though I'm only going to leave one comment, I should still get some credit for reading all 269-

Happy Birthday, Alicia!
Thanks for wishing for the warm weather-
And way good post- it would take me 3 months to come up with a list like that, then 3 more months to edit it, then 3 more to get the courage to post it, etc.

Nice job, and happy birthday, again.

Nancie said...

congrats on your birthday! you are sooooo funny. You are a talented writer fo sho.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

every time I check in Your comments have seemed to double! i bet you are having a SUPER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Tell Jasper Hi for us:)

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

R we ever going to get together and have a Girls Night out or play date for the kids? Now that your THIRTY and things a fabulous I think we should give it a shot. Maybe if the stars are aligned just right we can actually do it:)

Ben and Alissa said...

Happy Birthday! I hope we make it to 300 comments!

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Just debating on weather I should paint my frames green or blue? Thought I'd ask the birthday girl. Got an opinion on the matter? Yeah you’re probably too busy watching your comment number jumping by copious amounts. Well GOOD FOR YOU! Happy Birthday.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Ok I'm off to settle a dispute over whom gets to throw the baby's diaper away (got to love me some diaper fighting). So, random commenting will be left the rest of ya for a while. I need to intervene before the, well you know what hits the fan. And on that note here’s hoping you have the happiest of days :)

Ben and Alissa said...

I'm worried if I don't keep my eye on this, Andrea will come back and take the prize for most comments.

JenFielding said...

Hey ALicia, I hope you've had a fantastic day. Dinner and a movie maybe? Cake and ice cream? Some shopping hopefully.

Do you remember in seminary when we were taking a test and one of the answers was

B) I am woman hear me roar.

We couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the period. It's one of my favorite memories.

Heidi D said...


MARISA said...

Wow Alicia, you have some seriously dedicated friends! I was curious how many you got, and holy cow 279! I'll check back before midnight and make sure you made it to 300!

JenFielding said...

Another memory: We were driving to Rexburg and for some reason we had to turn around so I drove your car over the median. You yelled at me because I scraped the bottom of the car. Oops :)

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Pearls of wisdom to you on your Birthday from the Rimmasch Beasties
1) Always check your fly after you go to the bathroom
2) Always make sure your friends don't cheat or steal
3) Don’t pick your boogies and eat em. They don't taste good anyways
4) Never Ever sit on the cat it could squich him
4) Don’t lie not even when you have to
5) Don’t forget to take the garbage out on garbage day or you have to wait a WHOLE NOTHER WEEK to get it picked up.
6) Don’t put money in your mouth
7) Don’t tell your birthday wish to ANYBODY! or it won't come true cause I didn't get a Wii cause I told my care bear
8) Always flush and wash
9) Get some dinners on your birthday cause you get to pick cause it's your birthday.
10) Don’t hold in sneezes just let em out or your eye balls will pop right out ur head.
And there you have it a happy Birthday list from by little Beasts they are very happy for you on this fine day in May. In fact they want to have ice cream for your birthday so we just might.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

I just noticed the candles on your previous post have matching falmes. Cool. I am so lame:)

JenFielding said...

Another memory: I was at your house and you were hanging out with Staci, Michelle, and Tara (I think) and you were making a tape about Dean Hatch with a song to the tune of the sandman song. There was also a part where someone started doing the news and I wanted to be included so bad so I offered to do the sound effects for the news station. I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about but clearly I fely pretty special that I was included.

Ben and Alissa said...

I thought the matching flames on the candles was really cool too!

Lisa said...

So I totally left a comment earlier....I swear I did, don't know where it went so I thought I'd better leave another just so you know I was thinking about ya!!

Happy birthday, Dalisha!!!

Ben and Alissa said...

So my plan about saying Happy Birthday in 161 languages didn't come to fruition. Ben laughed at my Afrikaans one because he said there aren't clicks in Afrikaans... Well I don't know!

Ben and Alissa said...

I hope your dinner out with Bill was good!!!

JenFielding said...

Memory numero 4: First, thank you for always doing my nails and hair for the formals. Second, remember my hair-do for my junior prom? You put it in little pony tails with roses attached. I was nervous because it was a little crazier than I was used to. But, when I got to the dance Ipolito said that I had the coolest hair he'd ever seen and I was thrilled. :)

Ben and Alissa said...

I wish I would have grown up with you and had all these fun memories! I was just across the river! I'm so glad we've become friends now!

Ben and Alissa said...

Well, it's close to 300 and I don't want to disappoint Andrea who said there will probably be 300 by the time she gets back, so...

Ben and Alissa said...

I absolutely love your red and black dishes! I think maybe you had a picture of them on a post? They're so cute, I love that they're square!

Ben and Alissa said...

I hope next year you have something like this too! It doesn't just have to be on this special year because you're 30.

Ben and Alissa said...

So Ben read through all the comments (2 hours ago, there were only like 260 or so) and he laughed out loud at some of the things I had written.

Ben and Alissa said...

And that is no small feat! He has a certain type of humor and sometimes when I think I'm trying to be funny he thinks it's funny but it doesn't make him laugh out loud.

Ben and Alissa said...

So when I get him to laugh out loud I am so proud of myself! I always have to ask him what it was that he thought was funny so I can try to do it again!

Ben and Alissa said...

He knows that his humor has worn off on me, so I think he's happy about that.

Ben and Alissa said...

I feel like singing the happy happy happy happy happy happy birthday song again. It's been in my head all day since I typed it a while back.

Ben and Alissa said...

And a couple weeks ago when it was our anniversary, I sang it during the day and Ben thought I was silly.

Ben and Alissa said...

Alright, this is comment 300!! I'm going to take a little break. Love you! Happy Birthday!

melissa mae said...

300 comments? Are you kidding me? I wish that many people read MY blog!
Okay, Alicia, I loved your list. Especially #25 because you and are soul sisters in that department. Speaking of which I totally did that four times in a row last friday, and balled my eyes out. We need to start a support group.
Anyways, I love you and your awesome sense of humor. I wish I had your laugh, it's the coolest laugh I've ever heard. I wish we lived closer because I'm pretty sure we'd be BFF's. Happy birthday!

melissa mae said...

Oh, I meant #24, but I'm sure you figured that out.

meohmyers said...

Sorry to interrupt everyone's streaks of comments here but

Wow! I'd have to say this is the most comments on a birthday post that I've ever seen! Oh, that's right. NO ONE will top my 1,015 comments from 2 years ago. :)

I wish I had time to post 500 comments right now but this 1 will have to do.

Here are my 30 reasons why I want you to have the best birthday ever.

1. We're closer in age now. I'm not so old anymore, am I?
2. You deserve it.
3. Even the BEST of friends can not see eye to eye but come out closer than ever because of it.
4. You can flip people off with your toe but I can do it better.
5. You always keep it real. No matter what.
6. Rabid dogs.
7. Toll booths.
8. The 30's rock. You'll love these next 10 years, I promise.
9. You're a great friend.
10. You're a great mom.
11. I'm sure Bill would agree, you're a great wife.
12. You are a great listener.
13. You're honest.
14. You are passionate. And willing to share your passion with others.
15. I credit you with my Twilight love.
16. You no longer drive the patchy van.
17. You are someone I can call in a pinch to help me out and you'd do anything to help me.
18. You crack me up.
19. You have the BEST laugh and sense of humor.
20. You don't mess with the things that don't matter.
21. You are dedicated.
22. You're thoughtful.
23. You're fun.
24. We've spooned in Forks.
25. Maddie wants you to have a good birfday.
26. You've lost over 20 pounds and deserve that dessert!
27. Life is good and you know it.
28. You're awesome.
29. You've closed the door on the best decade you've ever known but are about to embark on the best decade you'll ever have. Until you reach 40, that is.
30. And last but not least, you'd want the same for me.

I love you, Alicia! I hope you have the best 30th birthday EVER!

Stacia said...

Holy COW! Over 300 comments! I think you will have a big smile on your face tonight!

Stacia said...

That was an awesome list from KIM! I agree, you have a great laugh and are so fun to be around!

Stacia said...

Oh, and I saw a clip about the Octomom last night and she didn't even know about Twilight! What rock is she living under!

Marilyn said...

Holy Crap, Alicia! You have some pretty determined friends. At the moment there are 306 comments and that is CA-RAZY! I've been thinking of you throughout the day, I wish those thoughts could automatically translate into comments...tehy would read something like...

Marilyn said...

- you are one of my MOST favorite cousins.

Marilyn said...

- whenever I see you, I instantly get a smile on my face.

Marilyn said...

- you are just so fun to be around

Marilyn said...

- i love how you always have a story to tell.

Marilyn said...

- Brandon and I both love spending time with you and Bill.

Marilyn said...

- your talent amazes me

Marilyn said...

- your engagement story is absolutely the best ever...seriously

Marilyn said...

- i love your passion

Marilyn said...

- i will always treasure our few weeks of intense Twilight e-mails from last fall

Marilyn said...

- October 2008 was a really fun month for me because I loved reading the books and then e-mailing you and waiting for your reply...I was always so excited to read your thoughts.

Marilyn said...

- hope you've had an awesome day!

andrea said...

One more for good measure!

andrea said...

Hope you have a spectacular last two hours of your most awesomest birthday!!

andrea said...

I wish I saw you more often!

Ben and Alissa said...

Oooh, you're back! I've been refreshing off and on sitting here watching tv, I knew you'd be back sometime!

andrea said...

And I'm going to miss card night this month!:-(

andrea said...

Oh my gosh Alissa, I figured you'd be LONG GONE!

andrea said...

I wish I could stay and chat, but we need to catch up on Lost.

andrea said...

See ya Alissa!

Ben and Alissa said...

Have fun, but not as much fun as Alicia should be having!

andrea said...

And happy birthday Alicia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben and Alissa said...

Want me to ruin Lost for you?

Ben and Alissa said...

I'm just kidding, we have never watched it, but I wouldn't ruin it anyhow. I'm too nice. :)

Ben and Alissa said...

Mmmm, we have homemade crumb (coffee) cake in the oven, it's almost ready and smells soooooo good.

Ben and Alissa said...

Only 1 hour left of your birthday, hope it's treating you well!

Amy said...

Wow, Alissa has taken this commenting business seriously! Does it really count when it is just a conversation between her and Andrea? j/k... in my defense, I posted on my blog for people to come tell you happy birthday... happy birthday!!!!!!!!

Ben and Alissa said...

Um, it totally counts!

Ben and Alissa said...

Well, everyone knows I've gone a little overboard, so what's a few more to get the comments to a nice 350!

Ben and Alissa said...

I'm so glad you had a good birthday!

Ben and Alissa said...

It worries me that you put "another house?" in what may come this decade. I'd be sad to not have you live down the street!

Ben and Alissa said...

It was nice of both the Amy's to post links to your post on their blogs!

Ben and Alissa said...

I love that after I said eleventy billion a few times that Andrea and Brenda both said it too!

Ben and Alissa said...

I love that you thought my "*fist pump*" was funny!

Ben and Alissa said...

I can't remember, did you like Friends? Episode 4 was just on tv, I saw the end of it, and Ross's ex-wife, Carol, was a different person! Susan, the lover, was the same as in later episodes. I hate it when they change actors in different seasons.

Ben and Alissa said...

Let's see..... Only 23 minutes left of your birthday!

Ben and Alissa said...

Too bad Andrea is not around, I told her she could have comment 350. I don't think I'll save it for her though.

Ben and Alissa said...

People probably think I'm weird. If they only knew me they wouldn't believe I'm doing something so "out there".

Ben and Alissa said...

I thought Ben would think I was being nice to comment so much, but he thinks it is a little crazy and gave me the "you went overboard" look.

Ben and Alissa said...

5 more, then I'm going to bed...

Ben and Alissa said...

4 more, then I'm going to bed...

Ben and Alissa said...

Hehe, I'm not going to keep that up. I'm glad that a few lurkers came out!

Ben and Alissa said...

Second to last comment from me. If Andrea catches this, she may still have time to catch up, if she can think of enough things to day, I'm sure she could.

Ben and Alissa said...

Happy 350 comments!

I am so glad that we're friends and I hope you know I would do anything for you! Happy Birthday!

Brenda said...

Sorry to mess up the even 350, just got done watching Benjamin Button (it was longer than I thought) So I thought I would maybe get in the last post on your birthday...2 more minutes!

Happy Birthday

Ben and Alissa said...

Aw shucks!

Ben and Alissa said...

It's not you birthday anymore AND you don't have a nice little number. Way to go Brenda.

Kristi said...

I'm late! I thought about you all day long!

Kristi said...

I was going to wish you a Happy Birthday when I saw you at preschool, but I was too late...

Kristi said...

I was going to psych myself up to call you (because I'm one of those people who hate making phone calls and has to talk themselves into it)but I didn't...

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

I know we are well into post b-day time but I hope your day was happy and comments funny and plentifull. (check ad check) So happy birthday ya big 30 years and one day year old. :)

Kristi said...

I thought I might drop by with a treat for you after I finished getting preparations for T's bday party tomorrow, but by the time I finished it was 11pm...

Kristi said...

And by the time I had a chance to check your blog, the day was OVER!!!

Kristi said...

But the month isn't over. And why stop there? This is a new decade! Wouldn't it be fun to celebrate you every day for the next 10 years? Maybe it would make 40 not seem so daunting! Actually, I look at older celebrities for hope after 40. Jennifer Aniston looks good; Julia Roberts,Helen Mirren, the list goes on and on...

Kristi said...

I really thought you were as blonde as you look. That doesn't sound right. I didn't think you did much to lighten your hair. I was surprised to read that under all that color your hair isn't blonde. That doesn't seem natural! You are blonde! Your hair just isn't cooperating at the source, I guess.

Kristi said...

I have this crazy thing going where I think you should have 365 comments -- one for each day of being 30.

Here is some Yoda wisdom for you:
“You will find only what you bring in.”

Kristi said...

Here's another one: “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”

Oh, and something about you that I like (because people always like to hear what good things others have to say about them): I like that you are forgiving of other's inadequacies probably partially due to your recognition of your own.

Kristi said...

And I love how you can be honest and open with your thoughts. It's very refreshing.

Kristi said...

It sounds like I'm sucking up. I just had a three sentence compliment that I split into three comments to get to #365 so I can go to bed. Here's the third sentence (oh wait, it's number four because I added one on after the second one.): I love how your smile and greeting always seem genuine. I'm sure sometimes you must not be feeling super duper, but you still light up when you greet people.

Okay, I'm going to bed now. I hope you had a wonderful day! May you have a great month, a fantastic year, and a phenomenal decade! Happy Birthday!

Kristi said...

It sounds like I'm sucking up. I just had a three sentence compliment that I split into three comments to get to #365 so I can go to bed. Here's the third sentence (oh wait, it's number four because I added one on after the second one.): I love how your smile and greeting always seem genuine. I'm sure sometimes you must not be feeling super duper, but you still light up when you greet people.

Okay, I'm going to bed now. I hope you had a wonderful day! May you have a great month, a fantastic year, and a phenomenal decade! Happy Birthday!

Kristi said...

WHAT?!?!?!?! How did it jump from 364 comments to 366!?! Now it will take forever for me to fall asleep! Aargh! Well, I'm sure you'll get some more comments tomorrow... uh, later today, that is. Hopefully you're sleeping well. Good night!

Shayla said...

Wow!! I just sat down to check your blog before I go to bed for the night. I couldn't let the day go by without wishing you a happy birthday on your blog. Does it still count even though it's past midnight? It's taken me forever to read through all these comments! You've got some loyal and awesome friends. I hope you had a fabulous day. I LOVED your list, as always you say so much what I feel, but better than I can say it myself. I hope the thirties are amazing and life-changing for you in all the best ways possible! Love you tons!

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Up to feed the babe and I thought I'd check on your status.. still going I see:) Maybe in two hours I'll pop in again who knows. By the way I don't think I mentioned How much I loved your list but then again maybe I did...Super funny I keep coming back and reading it. Just cracks me up
ev-er-y TIME!U a funny Girl.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Finally got the baby back to sleep. Happy un-Birthday to you!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday, the list was AWESOME.

Amy J. said...

Goodnight Alicia...may all your fun filled Happy Birthday Party Dreams Come True. Or did they already? I mean, you did recieve an Oscar.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday two days late!!!!!!! I LOVE your 30 things. how you come up with these things, i can't understand. you are an amazing list maker. :) so funny, whitty and true. broccoli NEVER tastes as good as chocolate.

Rachael said...

I think this might just be my favorite post of yours least top 5...I enjoyed it very much

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