Thursday, May 21, 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Someone call 911 cause Adam got ROBBED!!!


Ben and Alissa said...

I will admit, I voted this week for Kris, I haven't voted before this season. And I'll have to admit one more thing... I voted for like 2 1/2 hours straight, yeah, so like over 500 votes were from me.

Ben made a really good point before they announced the winner. He said that all the Danny votes were most likely going to go to Kris because if you're voting for Danny you're probably not an Adam type of guy. And then I also remembered that last week they said that only 3 million votes separated the top two, so if all the Danny votes went to Kris and Adam and Kris were only separated by 3 million, that it totally makes sense that Kris would win.

I'm happy about Kris winning. I think I'll really like his music, and I think he's totally cute!

Ben and Alissa said...

I have to clarify one thing:

I think Kris is totally cute as long as he doesn't have that gross mustache he was sporting the last two nights. Ew.

AOlson said...

Jipped completely!! Did you hear how quiet it got in the building?

melissa mae said...

I KNOW! I don't know how that was possible. I really just don't know. I'm still confused

Anonymous said...

There is something about adam that i know why people didn't vote for him. he's a gay rocker. unique, to say the least. but oh, he has talent. his ability to recreate songs was amazing. my two favorite songs right now are 'ring of fire' and 'mad world' done by him. they are yummy. i wish he would have done 'one' more like 'mad world'. too many screams for that beautiful song.
kris is the obvious winner. he's just too jack johnson who is so popular, not to win.
i'm excited to see where they go and i really hope kris's mexi-stash go far away and his marriage stays strong.

aubrey said...

Wish I watched the show so I could comment on your blog....*sigh* well, hey there anyway! I will comment on my large bottom and how I wish it would be robbed from my body.....that is all.

Amy said...

I'm right there with you. Adam rocks.
Although I was disappointed, I choose to look at it this way: Adam is unbelievably awesome and he will have no trouble with his career. Kris, on the other hand, needs the title of winner of American Idol to launch any kind of career. Oh, and Adam doesn't have to waste any time singing what AI tells him to. He can just go be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Its the power of millions of 11-14 year old girls that have parents who allow them the unlimited use of cell phones. Just think about that millions of little girls calling and texting....their parents have a huge surprise coming when they open next month's cell phone bill.

Ms. Kristen said...

I have been sulking for the past few boy didnt win!! BooHOOOOOO!
Let people understand...that gay men can have a career too!

Anonymous said...

Adam did get robbed! He is by far my favorite AI contestant....EVER!!!

Sara said...

I know it....ahhh