Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Don't worry Forever is 9 years closer now!!!

Hy my love!! I just wanted to tell you Happy Anniversary and that I love you so much. I don't know how to make this look good, you know the way you and all your lady friends do, but what do you expect from someone in the "lack of creative...ness" department. Anyways, Happy 9th Anniversary!!!! Its been a great trip so far and it looks like it just gets better from here so buckle up and enjoy it as much as I plan on enjoying it. I love you and look forward to keeping you happy for yet another year.



aubrey said...

That is so sweet!

Rachael said...

I totally didn't realize until I got to the end that Bill was writing this, so when I read "you and all your lady friends.." I was completely confused! I am a little slow these days. Props to Bill for high-jacking your blog to leave a sweet anniversary note!

Marilyn said...

Happy Anniversary Bill and Alicia!

Alicia, what a lucky lady you are to have such a sweet and funny husband.

Bill, what a lucky guy you are to have such a wonderfully talented, funny and beautiful wife!

Kristi said...

Alicia, you have such a cool husband. Happy Anniversary, you two love birds!

Alicia Leppert said...

What a shock! I couldn't figure out who had broken into my blog!!
This was the best anniversary gift ever, I love you Bill!

tharker said...

Happy Anniversary Bill and Alicia!

I love that he did this!!

Amy J. said...

Oh my goodness that is the coolest suprise ever! Bill...what a guy. I am truly impressed! Happy numjber nine, and hears to 9 more and then 9 more and then....