did some laundry
and cleaned my bedroom. Okay, I cleaned my bedroom, she watched a movie.
(This might not seem like a huge deal to you, but you should have seen it before I cleaned it. Believe me. Amy can vouch for me. There is no "before" picture for a reason.)
Last night I prayed, yet again, to "be a little better and do a little better tomorrow." So this morning I woke up and played with Macy and cleaned my room. We talked and laughed and had quality mommy/daughter time. I felt better, emotionally, than I have in a long time.
As Macy helped me fold the socks, she asked me, "Is it fun to be a mom?"
And today, I didn't hesitate to say yes.
This post made me happy. Imagining you and sweet Macy sharing some quality time with that AMAZING game put an instant smile on my face.
What a great way for you to spend your day. I'd say you accomplished your goal you set for yourself.
It's amazing that I can have a day where I get everything I need to get done around the house, get the grocery shopping done, etc. etc. but still, a day with just Mae is far more gratifying then anything.
Alicia, this post made me tear up. What a tender, special moment you had with Macy when she asked you if it was fun to be a mom.
And how wonderful that you prayed for something specific and you were blessed with exactly what you prayed for. It's pretty hard not to recognize our Heavenly Father's hand in our lives when prayers are answered like that.
Can't think of a better way to spend your day. And Macy-opoly? How cool is that! BTW your bedroom looks amazing! My bedroom looks like your before picture I bet;)
Oh my goodness...Alicia your bedroom is gorgeous! I am so glad that Macy still enjoys her present from several years ago. And I am with Marilyn...I love your conversation with Macy about being a mom.
That's the sweetest thing ever. I love that she asked you that.
I am glad that you had such an awesome day. I love that Macy asked you that question, that is so sweet.
Ok that game looks awesome. How clever.
I think this is one of my favorite posts you've ever written. Tender and heartfelt and just beautiful.
You are a wonderful mother, Alicia. I hope that you know that.
Wow, the elusive messy master bedroom. I was beginning to wonder what you were hiding back there... :-) There is something about having my bedroom clean, even though we don't do much more than sleep in there. Whenever I feel like a total failure for the day, I go make my bed and for some reason that always makes me feel better. I hope Macy is feeling better today. Kenzie is still pretty awful and I feel it creeping in my throat, as well. Yuck. I hate the winter time sickies.
I love love love the last line in this post! Very heart warming.
Don't you just love those times you can spend one on one with your child? Totally priceless :)
Thanks for the smile!
What a wonderful day! You spent quality time with your daughter AND you got stuff done around the house! Way to go. For me, it's usually one or the other.
I wish my room looked as good as yours does. In my dreams. I'll have to take a "before" picture of it to show what a disaster it is before I finally get it all done and cleaned.
I love having my room clean. When it's clean the kids and I hang out in there, it's a nice break from the fam/kitchen. And those moments when it's just you and one of your kids, totally priceless. It always helps me to remember why I love being a mom, and how it actually is rewarding. Not just about discipline and laundry and potty training.....
This was such a great post! I'm so glad you finally had a good day, all on your own, no surprise gifts on the doorknob or meals brought to your rescue. This was all you! You should be so proud of yourself! Great job. This made me so happy.
Awwwww, that was a very touching post. And I'm with Amy - I bet your before picture looks like my bedroom, it's the "collect all."
Very cute post, I'm glad you two had such a nice day!
Made me tear up too. Glad you were able to feel good with what you did today. I love it when my room is clean too.
Thanks for sharing that sweet conversation.
Sounds like a great day!! I LOVE those days when you feel like you got stuff done, it's the greatest feeling in the world. That was just the reminder I needed to stop sulking about the crappy weather and get busy. THANKS!
I think this must be my favorite post that you have done. It made me smile :) Glad you and Macy had such a special time together!
What a cute monopoly game, so creative. What fun for you and Macy to just hang out, it's my favorite.
There's nothing like walking into a clean and tidy room. Unfortunatly, it doesn't stay that way long at this house.
sounds like a pretty perfect day. By the way I tagged you I knew it was just what you wanted right?
What a great female bonding day, and that game is SO cool!
That game is so cool! I wouldn't take a before picture of my room either...
Good for you! It always feels good to spend the day as you did. I'm sure Macy loved every second of it!
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