Monday, January 12, 2009

What the....??

Here's a bit of newsworthy info. (Thanks for the heads up, M-A!) Vanessa Hudgens has auditioned for the role of Leah Clearwater in New Moon!! I don't know why, but my reaction to this is pure nausea. Maybe it's because I have issues with Vanessa and her penchant for getting snap-happy in her birthday suit, or maybe it's because Leah Clearwater is very down-to-earth and real and all I can see is Vanessa looking doe-eyed at Sam Uley and singing in her high-pitched, nasally voice that "oh, you know it hurts so bad."

I don't know why this disgusts me, but I think it's safe to say that if Vanessa auditioned for Leah, Vanessa is now Leah. (I don't see them turning away an obvious money-maker like Vanessa Hudgens) And I was just starting to like Leah....*sigh*........Are we looking at New Moon: The Musical? At least Taylor Lautner is back as Jacob. We have that going for us.

What do you think?


andrea said...

Honestly, I never pictured Leah as pretty, until the last book when I thought Jacob was going to hook up with her. So to think of Vanessa, who I think is gorgeous, playing her in New Moon doesn't quite fit! But I guess as long as she doesn't sing... I don't know, I still can't picture it.

Marilyn said...

Although I can totally understand your reaction, I think she could probably pull it off. If they make sure to present her as "Leah" and not as "Vanessa-as-Leah." Does that make sense?

It will be interesting.

ashley said...

Noooo! I can't even picture her as Leah! I pictured a more quiet, homely girl...not a major star. Don't get me wrong, I "love" HSM, but I just can't see Hudgens as Leah. Can you imagine her running on all fours!? Bahaha! But I am SO glad they decided to stick with Lautner!

Rachael said...

I'm glad they are keeping the same Jacob, but I don't love who the picked initially. She is weird for Leah, I don't know why they don't find people who look more Native American. But if you think about it, Jacob was always completely annoyed by her, and now you will be too!

Noelle said...

ok, all these commenst are totally making me laugh. i love the 'baahhahhaah' that's my favorite evil laugh on line. ha ha ha.
ok, so this vanessa thing: without make up i think she will do. now her acting has been amazing cheesy in all three of the HSM's so if she can tone it down a bit....
it's a little bit of a stretch though. we'll have to see.

Noelle said...

baahahhaah. what am i talking about? tone down the cheese? the twilight books are so full of cheese they are almost gooey! but leah is deffinately not cheesy so i guess i'll stick with my original comment.

Janna G said...

I am so with you. La Push is no place for this Disney pop-star. Is she even Native American. Leah is supposed to be bitter no bubbly.

michellemybelle said...

How dare I say this on this blog, but People Magazine and other such media ruin actors and thus ruining movies. I don't have a problem with the above mentioned cast, but becaseu of something I read or saw on TmZ, I have hate actors, but loved thier roles. Don't get me wrong, give me a People Magazine and I am one happy camper. Maybe I should say actors ruin movies by thier real life actions, and then I go and read about it in people magazine.

example: I hate Ben Afflick (and I am a horrible speller.) The only reason I hate him is because he was the casue of the break up between Jennifer Gardner and Michael Vartan, who i believe are mfeo. I liked him before all that, but now i just want to drop kick him Alias style.

dandee said...

I never got around to the second book so I have no idea who Leah is. This is completely un-related, but Vanessa looked amazing at the Golden Globes. She was wearing one of my favorite dresses of the night.

PRP said...

Danyelle, we're so on the same page.

I just got to Leah's introduction in the book and Hudgens was honestly who I thought of when I read about her. Weird? Maybe I'm just genius. We'll have to see how it all plays out.

AOlson said...

They will definately rake in the money because all of the teeny-boppers are just gonna LOVE her as Leah!!

I have to say, she might not be too bad.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

The main question is...will pretty Vanessa or Zac for that matter, mind then cutting off her lustrous hair to turn her into a wolfy?

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I heard the news over the weekend, and laughed. I'm not happy either. Let's have an e-mail chat...

Brian said...

Confession: Never read the book. BUT my girlfriend (now ex, but it's aight, we're still friends) loved it and told me all about it. So I feel like I have. She will undoubably get the part. That thought makes me not want to watch the movie. At all.

Amy J. said...

Wow...I can honestly say I am torn about this. Is she gonna laugh in the movie? Then NO WAY. Otherwise I kind of pictured Leah like that.

Kimberly Brianne said...

Don't worry, this is just a rumor. Melissa Rosenberg (i think that's her name) who wrote the script for new moon said Leah isn't even in the movie. She said if Vanessa is auditioning for Leah she had to have brought her own material, cause she did not write anything for her.