Thursday, March 17, 2011

"So...good news. I saw a doc today."

So I saw my regular physician today. It. Went. Awesome. We were both completely on the same page. She ordered up a lab workup of all the general stuff, just to be sure, (like thyroid, cholesterol, all that good stuff), but she added anemia, Vitamin B, celiac, and..........drumroll......
a whole food allergy panel. They'll test my blood for all the common allergy foods in adults and test them for antibodies or something like that. She said it's incomprehensive, like, if it says that I show positive for one food then I most likely do have an allergy to it, but if it's all negative, then I could still possibly have something. So, hope for positives! She wants to compare the celiac report from four years ago with the new one, and she did tell me it was a possibility that since I was off gluten for a month when I was tested for celiac the first time, the biopsy might not have shown signs of celiac. So I finally got that question answered. Anyway, I practically skipped out of the office I was so thrilled to have got what I wanted and to be so close to getting answers, even if it just eliminates some possibilities. So tomorrow morning I'll go in (after not eating for ten hours) and get poked. Has anyone ever been so excited to have a needle stuck in them? Well, maybe drug addicts, but that's neither here nor there. She said she'd get the results back in about three days and she'll let me know. So...pray that in roughly three days I could have an answer, ANY answer! Even if it all comes back normal, those are things I can cross off my list.

Anyway, that's that for now. I wish I had something funny or interesting to add that's not just about my health problems but I got nothing. Although I do find it hilarious that whenever we're reading scriptures Macy thinks "whore" is said "war" and we never correct her, because...why would we? "No, honey, that word is actually whore. Can you say that? Whhhorrrre." Yeah, not likely. So she teaches us about the war of all the earth and the evil people committing wardoms. The best part is that when Bill and I read, we say the word as it's supposed to be said and she never catches on. Love it. Goodnight y'all.


Rachael said...

are you on an ambien trip again? what the crap is the good new crazy?

wv-derstm, that could be what your condition is...

Marilyn said...

I'm crossing my fingers that you will get REAL answers this time!

VanessaSmith said...

I love Doctors that actually listen. I hope you get an answer soon!

[M] said...

that's great! don't get your hopes up on the food allergy panel. she did an IgE panel and allergies don't usually show up on that one unless you are getting rashes, hives, itchy skin, etc. you never know, though. just make sure you have the office mail you a copy of the results. if it is a level one or two allergy they will tell you it is "negative". they told us my husband was only allergic to "shellfish", but when they mailed us the copy we saw that he has a level one egg, wheat, pork, and corn allergy, and a level two peanut allergy. looking back he said he always got a really bad stomachache when he ate peanut butter, but didn't know why. keep us posted...