Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ode To The Flu

Well, despite my best efforts, I got it. I had finally relaxed and decided I wasn't going to, and then I heard this rumbling "ha, ha, ha" come from the sky and BAM! I had it.

Fortunately, I am doing well. Well, not physically well, but otherwise doing okay. I am just waiting to see if it's over yet. I really don't want to miss teaching the class tomorrow night, so cross your fingers that I'm better tomorrow.

On the plus side, I don't have to worry about my kids getting it from me! And I can stop worrying that I"ll get it. (That'd be pretty pointless now, I think.) Always look on the bright side, right?

So, I am so ready to get back to life and be able to write fun, meaningless posts again. (Today is day 9 of people throwing up at our house.) Thanks so much for all your support and well-wishes. It helped a lot.

I'm regretting my decision to not get a flu shot right about now.

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