Monday, March 23, 2009

Just Another Magic Monday

I contemplated not posting today, just to leave that picture of Rob up a little longer, but my poster of it that I ordered should be arriving today (you know, to hang above my and Bill's Bill's request) so I guess it's safe to post.

You can see what kind of mood I'm in. I've had a good day. It started with both kids going to school, which, after last week, is a major plus. Mainly because it means they are both healthy. I took the opportunity to go grocery shopping with me, myself and I. Myself was proud of I for staying under me budget and still managing to get everything me needed. Then I went to my weigh-in and discovered that my week of hard work had paid off and I'd lost 2 pounds! Not only is this my first real weight loss in....a long time, but it FINALLY put me over my 20 lb. loss mark!! Yay me! (See newly updated scale to your right.) I think a new pair of cute capris are in order.

I have 9 cover blurbs to write by next Wednesday and I am expertly putting them off by doing everything possible on my computer except writing them. Payson is sitting in his favorite spot (wedged between me and the armrest of the couch) doing his favorite pastime: playing Lego Star Wars. When his eyes need a break from the screen he turns his head so it's a quarter of an inch from mine and blows into my face or opens his mouth real big and makes a noise that sounds like a baby dinosaur. I love it.

I'm thinking of taking a nap, or something else that isn't writing cover blurbs.